Monday, March 19, 2018

day two.

well it's day two of this blogging project that I'm pushing myself to do and I'm a little blocked on what to write about.
Do I want to use this to sit once a day and bitch and whine about the little things in life that make me crazy? no.
Do I want to use this to wallow in the past that has formed me into a less than perfect lady? no.
Do I want to find something creative and out of my daily doings to start to pour myself into at least daily? YES!
I need to use this little blog to help rediscover a parts of me that I miss.
So here we go.

growing up I was always the weird kid--or as what some kind souls referred to as 'creative'
I had big dreams of living an out of the box creative life yet here I sit in my house in the suburbs, a stay at home wife writing on a make shift desk (laundry basket upside down) and soak up a little alone time while the babe sleeps.
working towards pushing myself to be more of the person I want to be is really freaking hard yall.

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